oh yea...and i bought this.
it tastes absolutely disgusting. the only way i can consume it is by putting the laundry detergent-like powder into a chocolate shake. whatever. ok, but seriously....this new weight control program could end one of two ways:
Lets hope my body takes to the extra calories well.
oh. my. gosh.
Hahahahhaaaaa... Love the pics. Want some advice on the weight gain because I went through the same thing. My Dr. told me to drink Carnation Instant Breakfast and then eat breakfast on top on that. Like cereal or a bagel or something. I gained 8 lbs!
thanks em - great idea! i am gonna pack em on!
SICK! although, i do see your body reacting like picture #1. i will be your oil girl.
That is hillarious! You will have to give updated pics like a pregnant person to show how much weight you've gained.
Secretly I want you to end up like the second girl....because then you could dance like that girl on youtube.
Seriously, let me know how it works.
i vote for the second one.. not because i hate you but just because it would be an interesting sight to see that woman dance. ps i see you in less than a month.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh! i agree with the genius idea of update photos- much like a pregnant girl- that would be fabulous. and i also nominate myself for oil girl alternate... just in case jill cant make it to one of your competitions.
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