i was trying to rearrange my closet a little bit last night (after my shopping this weekend in vegas :) and noticed i kept pulling out black dress after black dress! i mean - how many do i REALLY need? but the fact is...i do. i NEED every single one. bc although some may say "a little black dress" is so simple and the perfect staple in ones' closet, every little black dress is for something different. the same "little black dress" simply cannot be worn for every black tie occasion. each one represents a mood, or an attitude - and i love it. so what was the final count, you ask? 17. john hawley - please dont kill me.
Seventeen black dresses? Seriously girlfriend? That is amazing! I think I have like THREE!
Jon is going to be pissed....rightfully so. Wait, i might have 18 black t-shirts.....
You know what...somehow that really doesn't surprise me.
this is why i love you.
crap. i forgot one. 18.
One of the many reasons I love you!!
excuse me... i went to that art exhibit!!!!! it was bomb. also so are you and so are black dresses!!!
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