i decided i wanted to "distress" a headboard for my new room in HB (moving in this weekend). i wanted it to be black, but antiqued looking. then i would accent with cute, ornate and colorful pillows with my ivory colored down comforter. anyway...my adventure started at Lowes (the hardware store). so....i have NEVER been to Lowes before, so as you can imagine, i was a bit intimidated. i found the paint section where i began to ask the lady worker what i needed to do to "distress" my headboard. this headboard has been previously white washed with some sort of poly finish (i knew that). she proceeded to tell me what i needed, the grade of sandpaper to use, the finish of paint, how to paint it....and blah blah blah. i started to feel overwhelmed, so i began taking notes on a small piece of paper from my purse. i thanked the kind lady and started wandering up and down the paint aisles. umm...so there was like no colored paint. i didnt realize you have to ask the "paint person" to mix you paint. so, i went back and asked her to give me whatever she had been describing (for the past 15 mintues). after i received my paint, i headed over to get my sand paper. who knew that there would be sooo many to choose from? i found myself feeling the sand paper to decide on which one to get (like i am skilled in that area). then i proceeded to check out. it was a self-checkout, but my checkout station stopped me after scanning my first item. a mid-thirties female employee approached me and asked to see ID. she said she had noticed me purchasing some items that i needed to be over 18 for and that i looked like i was 12. not kidding. she said i looked 12 years old - out of nowhere. i showed her my ID and then she said, "wow - you do NOT look your age." and i responded, "really? 12 though?" she told me she works at a junior high school during the day and i look just about the age of the other girls there, and they are 12. hmmm.....what a boost to the self-esteem. so, i left, paint in hand but head hung low.
now here is the fun part! the stripping - no, not that kind you sickos.

Looks like your CDT warms-ups are goin' strong! :)
haha... love it!!! Can't wait for you to move!
SOOO proud! i smiled through this whole post.
Oh my sorry sister they thought you were 12....it could be the fact that you are smaller than most people I know...just a thought though
nice! =)
Well, if you were wearing what you were in the pics to Lowe's, then I could see her saying you look young...but 12? Come on. Don't worry though, on my birthday a guy at church asked me if I was turning 19 this year...
Thank you for documenting with pictures the whole way through. Looks fab!
Looks good. And btw my brother is in junior high. and most of the girls who come over to our house look like they could go here...its a different world out there. the girls are in expensive tops, skinny jeans and carrying designer purses. all i can say is i hope i have an ugly daugter who doesnt expect to look like erin hawley at age 12.
very cute!! Where did you get the headboard!! I want to do one!! Was it at Lowe's or did you previously have it?
very cute!! Where did you get the headboard!! I want to do one!! Was it at Lowe's or did you previously have it?
i am so impressed with your skilzzzz! :)
good job little woman!
and dont let that lady at lowes get you down. she is in her mid-30s and works at a jr. high and lowes... it really cant get much worse than that! :)
1.) What the hell were you doing blogging at 4am? 2.) I was reading this at work and laughed ALOUD would I read that lady thought you were 12 and you called her out on it and she still insisted you look 12.
are you sure john hawley didnt do all the work and you just put your little mask on for the action shots?? if not, i'm impressed!!
OK, one of the funniest blogs ever- you're too cute. I love the headboard and you have to post a picture when it is done in your room with the colorful pillows- sounds super cute.
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