i was in the b-town newspaper today...

yes, that is me in the back left corner, trying to get some attention by flailing my hand in the air. Civic Dance Center is celebrating its 30th anniversary of The Nutcracker in collaboration with the Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra, and this picture above was in the newspaper to showcase some of the former Sugar Plum Fairies and Claras over the past 30 years. ok, i am no photographer, but having us jump and angling the camera up our nostrils was probably not the best of ideas. whatever. i love that it is Nutcracker this weekend and am sooo excited to go and support all the dancers!! it makes me miss dancing...a lot. boo. if you are interested in reading the rest of the article about this 30th anniversary, i have been nice enough to include the link: http://www.bakersfield.com/138/story/303084.html
Love it..
I love that you're the only do any sort of motions with your arms.
you totally jumped the highest. good job.
no one's cuter.
thanks for that! love all you girls.
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