this was at the point in corona del mar. we picked up some cafe rio (yes there is one here now) and had a sunset picnic and walked around the ridiculous houses that i wished i lived in. must be nice.
angel stadium - holler! everyone in orange county has such angel pride - i like it. this has been my second game of the season so far. we had fantastic seats thanks to coventry court. no balls caught yet.
and here we are with lisa and wee man at the magic castle in hollywood. it is a private club for magicians, in which you must be a member or receive a guest pass from a member to enter. how did i obtain this you ask? baller status. anyway - the night is literally at a castle and watching a variety of magic shows (while everyone gets wasted) and a super (expensive) nice dinner. quite the experience. especially watching the fellow magicians interact. but i am glad those weird boys wearing capes and ponytails in 7th grade found their niche years later here at the castle. good for them. cheerio.
thank you for updating. I appreciate it. you two love birds need to kick it with us. I have been going wedding crazy for the past two months. Now lets get serious and hang.
love ur buns
yay! a real update! no offense to luda or katie or justin... but i like YOU better!
I totally just saw "doogie howser" on Good Morning America talking about the Castle. Haha I think he owns it or something.
Glad you are enjoying your hubby!! come visit me.
Love the pics! The only thing missing in the last pic is me...
last sentence: dying laughing in a public computer lab in mexico. yep, checking blogs in mexico. this is what vacation is all about, right? love and miss you guys. also, love w's snazzy glasses.
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