it all started here last night when warren planned a romantic date for us at French 75 in laguna beach. the food was incredible...and there were chandeliers, so of course i was obsessing. i didnt really think it would happen at the restaurant, but i was hoping it was on his mind :-)
i had NO IDEA that w had driven to bakersfield the previous thursday night (he told me he was working on a group project for school) and had asked my father in person. i had NO IDEA he bought a ring this past saturday (he told me he was rock climbing). quite the trickster.
k back to dinner - it was amazing and i had filet (of course). we finished up and w asked if i we could stop one more place on the way home. i agreed (although was thinking i was soooo tired and just wanted to go home and sleep), but i didnt want to miss out on anything spectacular :-) so - he turned the car to head to top of the world park in laguna. as we pulled up i just had that feeling. i thought - this MUST be it! this HAS to be it! we had been to top of the world park MONTHS ago on another date, so it had a lot of sentimental value to both of us.
we walked over to the overlook and could see all of laguna. it was here where warren davis got down on one knee and asked me to be his forever. i could have just died then. it was absolutely perfect.
i couldnt sleep AT ALL last night. i was sooo excited to tell the world today that i am marrying the most amazing man on this earth. i couldnt be luckier. and i couldnt be happier. warren makes me a better person. he loves me unconditionally. he is the most gentle, kind-hearted, humble man i have ever met. oh - and did i mention funny? i cant wait to spend forever together. ily - w.
sooo....i know you are all dying to see pics of the ring. thanks to my bff mike cunningham for taking these for me. i am seriously obsessed. and yes, i picked it out (not w/ warren at my side), but he is a clever boy and was able to find the EXACT ring that i found a couple months ago that i had told him about in passing. isnt he just great? :-) ok - i know...sooo cheesy, but i have a right to be! i just got ENGAGED people. oh - and i bought my wedding dress back in june. surprise. warren was surprised by that fact last night too.

wedding date is TBA
ERIN DAVIS!!!!!! I love it. I can't wait for the big day.
When is the big day? Oh I'm so excited for you guys!!! Congratulations. Nice ring! Good work Warren!!
Maybe i have been waiting for this post all day and maybe i just got oprah chills and maybe i even shed some tears....
if there ever was a perfect couple, this one qualifies!
(i think im so cute and clever)
I am obsessed with that ring and that story! I tried to figure out what your beautiful ring looked like during our lunch date. Never imagined it would be so bomb. I gotta tell you... hearing you married a Davis is music to my ears. Lets figure out how we are related. I should be in the family pic at the wedding. just sayin...
thrilled er. seriously so so so happy!
So does this secure my spot as the Groomsman of Honor??? I'm just sayin...
Omg Erin!!!!! I Am sooooo Happy for you!!!! YOur getting married!!!
Its so great your nails were perfectly manicured or else I wouldn't have liked the ring so much.
I've been waiting impatiently for this post for months. surprised you didn't know that.
i had to click on mr. and mrs. smith to see if someone had hacked into my account to congratulate you on my behalf. haha. turns out it's another mr. and mrs. smith. anywho...this is such exciting news. i'm so happy for you! can't wait to hear more details as they progress.
erin i could not be happier for you. isn't it amazing how our lives just work out? i love you so much and can't wait for the wedding. who knows..maybe we can come? i would love to see b-town. and you. ps..you better stop biting those fingers if you want that ring to look as good as it should. i LOVE it by the way..
Hoooray Erin!!! We are so thrilled for you and Warren! Welcome to the fam! :)
I LOVE your ring - it is SO sparkly! As soon as I saw it in the store, I thought - THIS IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! I just knew you had picked out a gorgeous one!
LOVE the ring and the story. I am seriously so excited. Can't wait for the wedding planning to begin!!!
We are SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Hooray! B-E-A-utiful ring! I love it - and I think it is so you! Can't wait to find out all the details!!
rolling at sar's comment about you biting your fingers. Seriously you HAVE to stop now.
congrats Erin! so exciting i am in LOVE with your ring! You are going to be a gorgeous bride, that is hilarious you already got your dress!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We're so excited for you guys! Sounds like he made it a perfect evening.. and GOOD JOB to him for finding the ring ;) Beautiful ring by the way ! Good luck planning!!
Yay Erin!!! That is awesome news... and so romantic! I couldn't be happier for you! Your ring is GORGEOUS! (a little jealous)
perfect, perfect, perfect. i was hoping you'd posted the details already and you didn't disappoint. man. the thrill of getting engaged to the perfect man. isn't it wonderful? so, so thrilled for you both. i'll say it again and again. great job ballet buddy!
That ring is so beautiful. I am so so so happy for you and Warren.
By the way- I ran into kevin in the shower jumping up and down screaming to tell him the news :)
yeah! yahoo! hooooooray erin cheezy!!!!!!!! of course you are allowed to be cheezy- it's your name! haha
anyway, so so thrilled for you!
GORGEOUS RING! and cant wait to hear all about the wedding plans! (please get married around aug.1st. - cuz i'll be in new port then. thanks.) haha- so happy!
WAHOOOO!!! i have been waiting for this post for the last 24 hours! congratulations e if anyone deserve a happy forever its your hott little self! i love love love the ring and you are going to be such a beatiful bride! we are over the moon for you and warren! congrats!!
Congratulations! Yeah! Another sister in the family!!! We love guys!
Congrats Erin! I always knew you were going to marry someone amazing! Since you bought your dress early, you should post pictures of it...
when i heard i was SO EXCITED!!! congrats, erin, being engaged is the CRAZIEST thing- you'll love it!
CONGRATS!! that's really exciting.. oh, and i LOVE that ring!
seriously though. i'm so happy for you i could cry.
you deserve it. what a great man you got and what a lucky guy to have YOU in return!!!
love the story!
Congratulations Erin! I'm excited for you and I love the ring...it's beautiful!!
Congrats Erin, we're so excited for you. That's the best news. Your ring is GORGEOUS. You two are one good look'n couple.
how wonderful!!! Congrats! Everything sounds perfect!
WOOHOOOOO!!!! Congrats to you! I am very very excited for you. Told you the perfect man would come! And you found him! YAY!
Congratulations!!! Beautiful ring!!
that's exciting erin. congrats.
I couldn't be happier for you!!! I LOVE you and Warren together and can't wait for you to populate the earth with beautiful babies!
Ily more than life itself. I am so happy for you! It's already beensaid, but if anyone deserves a happy ending it is you. You are an amazing friend and I know that will help you have an amazing marriage. You are the best!!!!
SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! can't wait for the wedding. love you two together.
i'm inviting us to your camping trips with j&j
I AM SO EXCITED BY THIS POST!!!! This makes me so happy and yes he (and you) did an amazing job on the ring!!! Can't wait to see you and congratulate you in person!!!
Congratulations Erin!! Love the ring! Love you too. Good luck in all the fun planning ahead.
YEAH!!! So fun! I am so happy for you! This is great. Makes me soooo happy!
BOMB RING!!!!! OMG, move to NYC, like now!
I mean, do I even bother at this point being the 42nd comment and all...of course! I'm sooooo happy for you and Warren. This has been a long time coming and you are so deserving. You guys will be an awesome couple. Love you!
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