yep. i rode a bike. and yes, it is one of my GREATEST fears. warren held onto the handle bars AND seat to guide me along the bike trail on pch. melanie filmed and lisa rode along side me with encouraging words. and a random boy on a skate board followed me for a while rooting me on. people stared. then warren let go and watched me like a proud father (thats weird to say) as i biked all by myself!! my eyes swelled a little. and my neck/shoulders were sore the next day from riding so tense. but....i am now into it. and want to buy a beach cruiser of my own!!
Haha! Way to go Erin!!!!
i couldn't be more proud if you were my own daughter.
ps- as i was typing that i realized...did i call you back? i don't think i did. crap. i'll call you tomorrow.
I never thought the day would come when you actually wanted to ride a bike better yet own a bike.
let's do a triathalon.
I would have loved to be there! So proud of your accomplishment!
Erin it has been way to long! You are so funny and i miss you! I just started this blog stuff so I hope to catch up with you more! Linds
HAHAHAHHAHA...please get a crusier...then we can be even more alike :)
YEAH RIGHT!!! that is so awesome...i'm as proud as the rest of them!
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