i went on an evening hike with a couple friends tonight down in crystal cove. it was beautiful and the weather was perfect! i climbed (uphill) the WHOLE way and was just about dying. anyone who knows me knows that i dont hike often - probably average once a year. and when i do, i mostly complain the whole time. but when it is over i LOVE it and am always sooo happy i went. well....today i got to the top of the climb overlooking laguna and the pacific ocean and my knee popped. kind of like it did when i was in europe (i know - such my luck). and what is retarded is that it hurts even worse going DOWN hill instead of up. i hobbled along for a bit, but when it came time for our descent....dont worry. my fellow hikers carried me. yes. on their backs. and shoulders. one of these saints was even a girl who carried me for a bit. good friends. i am a disaster. at least my knee is feeling better now that i am home and not out in the wilderness. probably wont hike again until next year. or may possibly skip a year.
HAHAHA! thats what happened to me at idyllwild. i hated my life. sanchez carried me on his back, then logan and pete, then cunningham. yeah... im a whimp... but i could probably do it now since im all cut up and stuff... okay maybe not.
oh honey. you MUST have that knee checked out. we can't have this happening to you again on our trip to italy and greece. hope you're resting and feeling better my love.
that would happen to you. why don't you have someone at work look at it?
hhaha - i know this is old, but i was going thru my reader and saw this. i am really into hiking these days and accidentally went on a 9 mile hike through carbon canyon last week. i am still recovering from blisters on top of blisters and wished i could have been carried :(
but of course after it was done, i felt SO accomplished and glad i went
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