from long beach to slc last weekend. i spotted her trying to hide under her billowing hat, and when i pointed her out to warren and said, "omg - thats kathryn heigl!" he said, "who?" typical. no - i didnt talk to her, but i thought of a ton of conversation starters. i didnt execute any of them. boo. she looks real nice in real life though. pretty skin. was with her mom. she was a cute lady. thats all.
she was born LDS. surprised you didn't know that.
remember her swim suit in my father- the hero? an early 90s chick flick. it is like a thong one-piece... why do i remember that?
correction - i DID know this. she grew up in ct!!
You are the third person I've heard who's seen her on the SLC-Long Beach flight. My friend saw her with her mom also, and chatted with her and got a pic and said she was SUPER sweet.
can i hear an example of a conversation starter please?
I saw her at the SLC airport last year. I heard she has a house in Park City. PS. You look fabulous as always.
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