so....maybe i bought some bootie enhancing panties. and they came this morning!! and i am wearing them RIGHT now. they totally look real (ok - so maybe it doesnt FEEL that real). so now all of you will be wondering when you see me if i am gellin (as always) AND foamin.
when you say enhancing, do you mean a fake butt? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... i will continue thinking "ha ha" all night and into the morning.
I just realized, you may have to change the name of your blog now.
do they carry any that do the opposite? you know like make my butt look small..
ps..i'm dying and rolling and really want to ichat now
you are the comic relief of my life. i thank you!
hey psychopath. fitting that i should find your blog on the day you post about pink, butt-lifting panties. i wish i could see you in them! oh crizzle! (remember that word?) i found your blog from meredith eaton's, whom i don't know but am hoping she gets with my brother somehow. and, uh, my husband knows warren. AND most importantly - we are practically neighbors - i'm in irvine! silliness! check me out at my blizzog - www.marthahullinger333.blogspot.com and we'll be friends again.
martha (ballet buddy)
um, can i see a before and after picture please? seriously.
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