sarah - you will love this. i am having this NEW found obsession with antiques - chandeliers in particular. i was obsessing over finding a chandelier lamp (like ones i saw at a boutique on balboa island last week). i almost even bought one off the boutique owner bc i was loving these amazing chandelier lamps (which i classify as victorian, whimsical or fansical...and warren calls them gothic). anyway - she was seriously about to rip me off, and then admitted to finding these gems at tj max home goods!! so i went. and fell in l.o.v.e. This store is amazing. i want to decorate my WHOLE house in it. i ended up buying a darling victorian style bed side lamp and a beautiful crystal circle hanging chandelier. and i LOVE them. had to rearrange my room to make them look appropriate. warren is still convinced that i am in some "gothic" phase, but is still supportive. he even (get ready for the blog brag) planned a cute date for us this past weekend around my new found antique chandelier obsession! he took me to downtown orange (antique capital of the u.s. of a) and saw all the cool shops and antiques - it was AMAZING!! and there were PLENTY of chandeliers to see. sarah - you would be obsessed. hands down obsessed. you've gotta come - you would die. anyway....LOVE my new objects of light. and really liking warren for his observant, thoughtful and sweet date. the end.
chaulk one up for warren! way to go. looks like i'm gonna have to step up my game if i wanna stay in this competition!
I've observed from your past few posts that you are incredibly spoiled.....new laptops, trips to Europe, dreamy bf...
I'm getting jealous.
seriously... i mean, like... seriously. ;)
love having you on board. only wish my husband felt the same way. i found this website that sells cheap chandeliers. http://www.greatchandeliers.com/
Those lamps are so in right now! So not gothic! Men know nothing. haha
Warren is a keeper! So thoughtful! Love your new lighting!
this warren character sounds questionable. in his defense though - i believe the chandeliers you were ooing at looked something like this:
funny, "dub."
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