you wanna be on top?
as some of you may know, i sent in an audition tape for antm cycle 11 a couple weeks ago. today....i received a call back! whoo hooo!! i have a couple weeks to prepare and the lady on the phone made sure to emphasize that i practice my posing and walking. ha! they are really specific on what you wear to the call back as well. NO: dresses, baggy clothing, tanks that cover your hips, and the colors gray, white or bright pink. MUST: 3inch heels, natural make-up, conservative jewelry, and a bathing suit under your street clothes. i am sure i will be standing in line with thousands of other hopefuls. this is gonna be awesome....tyra - i heart you.
is this for real?
Shut up! I'm so excited! Where is this going to be? LA? OMG, I knew you would make it...
Awesome Erin! I know you are going to do great. You have the perfect personality and hot everything for it. I am so happy for you!!!
thanks to my mad skills on the video camera!!! (and craig, of course)
OMG!!! So excited!!!
you would be so perfect!! i am so excited!!
OK, you're beautiful and funny, but I still think you have to have a hook. Perhaps you could go for the good girl angle...BYU-I graduate...conservative mormon family. Oh ya, that is you.
is john hawley flying me out or what?
Possible angles:
1. Good girl gone bad. Mormon family/not allowed to wear 2piece swim suits/ want to branch out
2. Good girl not gone bad. Mormon family/ now willing to wear a 2piece/ not willing to branch out
3. Bitch. Just have lots of bad things to say about everyone.
They will eat it up that you're Mormon. I really hope you make will make for such great television!
omg so exciting!!! let me know what is happening since i'm seeing this like 12 days late. so perfect for you!!
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