watch ellen on monday.
me and some of my gf's took a trip to burbank yesterday to watch a taping of the ellen show. needless to say, we were spotted right away by producers and were put in primo seats to dance with ellen - tv time for sure!! watch our moments of fame on monday!! john and shelly - tivo it! and ellen gave us all a special treat.....
the new ipod nano!!! along with $50 to itunes. talk about a lucky day! and maybe i emailed ellen after the show, but thats a whole other story...girls - i will give you the verdict...and it will be mine.
i hate you all for getting those ipods.
ah!!! today is def. a good friday! I won a wii at the ridge party! no tv time...but still exciting!
What a lucky duck.
we totally made our TV debut... do you think they'll call us to be back on the show?
i LOVE Ellen- TiVo it everyday but dont have it in the new place. i will do my very best to watch it!
This is so sad because I watched us today on Ellen and had 6 people watch with me and didn't even REMEMBER our little arguement... you know what they all said? "Ellen forgot to dance... hilarious." Sorry erin but you are wrong. she had to be reminded to dance with the crowd. Its ok that you think otherwise.
ps.. I loved seeing your face. more then a lot of peoples faces. loved it
You should post your clips on YouTube...
Ok, so I totally watched you guys and I loved the part when you and Jill are jumping up and down about the iPods. Classic.
im really pissed i didnt see you!! i watched the whole show and only went to the bathroom once!! how did im miss it!? you must you tube it, i feel lame and mad
I watched and totally paused it several times when I saw you. I really wanted you to raise your hand when she asked who was Irish because I knew for sure they would show the people who did, but I still saw you not raising your hand! I'm so curious as to what you e-mailed her about!
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