i cried the whole episode.
so i happened upon last night's episode of the big give on our tivo today. and i literally cried the entire episode it makes me so happy inside! i dont think i would be as creative as the peeps on there - it is really cool. you guys totally have to check it out. oprah is a genius and i love her. although it is kind of weird how it is a competition. why not just have everyone give and have a party with it? whatever. watch it sunday nights on abc. ps - heard a random fact at church yesterday that you all will enjoy: on average women say 50,000 words a day. men say 25,000. haha - i love it. although i think i may bring up the average a little bit for the women. or i may even be the outlier....
"outlier"... how statistical of you.
I believe that statistic. I bet women eat more food and more constantly than men too! We love to chat + talk = brunch :)
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