Sunday, January 6, 2008

sex and the old roommates....

me and miriam discovered this past weekend, that our old roomies of nauvoo 208 summer of 2003 could totally be close in personality to the characters of Sex and the City! you case they need an understudy while filming the movie...

Carrie (SJP) - Maeve. she is ALWAYS thinking about something in depth. writing it down, discussing and analyzing and we feel as though she blogs as SJP would. she always has great outfits and LOVES fashion. maeve is also finally ending up with "big"...aka Chris b.

Charlotte - Miriam. the total optimist. charlotte is always the hopeless romantic, knowing that her knight in shining armor will rescue her. i could also see her riding in a convertible with the top down while wearing a scarf on her head with big sunglasses (one of mir's dreams in the future).

Miranda - Hails. she doesnt put up with the bull. she says it how it is and has a realistic view on life. she also has a baby :) she can argue her point to no end and she is ALWAYS right.

Samantha - Erin. does this one really need an explanation? look at samantha checking the guy out in the pic. also, maybe samantha tends to cross the line at times with her comments. not that i do that or anything....


scott and linds said...

i can see it lady.. i can see it... plus- you're sex on a stick- literally!

Hailey, Brandon & Connor said...

why do I have to be the ugly one?

Stacie Hawley said...

ha ha - Erin you are too funny.

Erin said...

hailey - common. its not like samantha is even remotely attractive.