i was reunited with my good friend spencer tonight and it was a dream come true! it couldnt have been a better night together back in cali. we thought we would experience some culture and went to the getty museum. we were pleasantly surprised by the exhibits that we found...

when i first saw
spence i joked that i hoped we would end up at the temple that night together and slow dance in the parking lot (like an actual first date my friend
emily went on at
byu-i - creepy). but john and
shelly were doing a session and we were meeting back up with them, so ironically, we REALLY did end up at the temple that night. so, i made him slow dance with me just for kicks. awkward and i love it.
haha.. you make me laugh. love you. come back!
awe..little spencer wrathy. tell him i said hello.
this post is 100% you. love it
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