So, there I am. Sitting on the uptown 2 train heading home after a long day at work. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a dead-ringer look-a-like to my favorite singer of my childhood - Charlotte Diamond. I immediately thought about how jealous I was that Megan Dachtler got invited up on stage in 1991 at her concert at the Civic Center in B-town. She was always a lucky girl. I believe it was for the very popular hit "Love Bug." I laughed to myself thinking that I havent even thought of Charlotte since first grade and now here she was - right in front of me in the crowded subway car.
Then my eyes shifted to a man in a yellow rain coat. I couldnt believe it. His outfit was the EXACT costume I wore for "The Fisherman and His Wife" - an obvious hit at our Buena Vista Elementary school play in 1995. I remembered how pissed I was that I didnt get the lead role and had to wear the UGLY yellow rain coat and carry a fishing pole.
What are the odds? At least I was entertained by the funny details of these childhood events in my head on the way home. And realized that I must have been a very jealous child.
rolling. outloud.
You are so funny! Ha ha. Ok..so I have never heard of that girl singer before?!! Is that a good thing? Is Bella missing out? ha ha.
I sang the "slippery fish" song to my niece the other day and then later sang "i am a pizza" and the chorus to your favorite "fly high unicorn" to ambrose. what an awesome sighting! ;)
I was forced to attend a Charlotte Diamond concert with my mom and Stephanie at about the age of 12 and it was one of the worst memories of my life, so thanks for reminding me Erin.
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