And then he commanded Noah to build an arc... maybe my post is a little dramatic, but for those of you who dont know - MY APARTMENT FLOODED LAST WEEK. I woke up as usual, 9am bright and early to leave for work ten minutes later and put my feet down on my basement floor in the pitch black to be submerged by water. Yes, our apartment had flooded in the middle of the night! Everything TOUCHING the ground is ruined! No, we do not have renters insurance. Yes, we are retarded for not having insurance. Yes, it sucks. No, it wasnt our fault. There was a pipe that broke in a building on our street. Our neighbors were flooded too and my fantasy of having hot firemen in my bedroom was not how I had pictured it being. The dirty water and urine smell is almost all gone now. Good times in NYC.
wow that is awful little friend! i am so sorry- anything horribly ruined? i hope you can get everything back to normal soon!
i am rolling.
oh my dear is ark not arc. just a little side note for you
oh no! How embarrassing. haha.
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